Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ow, Daddy!

Ow, Daddy!

Even though Zoey doesn't know how to form full sentences, she somehow knows how to tattle on her daddy!  Yesterday morning Shawn comes in to work after dropping Zoey off at daycare and tells me he accidentally cut her.  Before my blood starts to boil he explains that he was trimming her fingernails with the clippers ... he couldn't find the baby-version of the clippers, so he was using our full-size toenail clippers ... and he accidentally nicked her.  There was some blood and tears, but I was relieved to hear that it wasn't that bad and it was more scary than painful.  He said he put a band-aid on her thumb and informed her caretakers when he dropped her off.  Julie calls me later in the day and I tell her the story; she says she's done it at least 3 times.  We laugh and eventually I forget all about it.

I go to pick her up after work and walk into the nursery room.  She smiles when she sees me and runs toward me excitedly like usually.  Right before she gets to me, she stops as she remembers something ... she holds up her thumb, looks up at me, and tells me "Ow, Daddy!"

Ms. Chris and I start laughing because Zoey just ratted out her father.  It was a minor cut ... it had scabbed over and she wasn't even wearing a band-aid anymore, but Zoey felt the need to tell me what happened.

I had to call Shawn right away to tell him and laugh ... he felt worse than he already did, but it was still funny!