Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zoey Knows English!

Zoey Knows English!

Zoey is making some exciting progress with the English language.  She is a good listener and puts down her toys when I ask as we're leaving the house.  She sits down and scoots when I ask her to because a step is too high for her to walk down from.  She has even voluntarily given up her pacifier whenever we come to take her out of her crib.  Zoey knows how to point to her nose or mouth when asked where they are.  Last week she said her first phrase: "I did it!"  She certainly has!

We finally upgraded her car seats to Graco's Nautilus.  We bought the first one at Buy Buy Baby with a 20% off coupon, and she loved it.  She very much enjoys being able to see Daddy as he chauffeurs her around.  I bought another one on Amazon for about the same price.  I assembled it while she was napping and left it in the foyer.  When she saw it later on, she insisted on sitting in it.

We look forward to more adventures!